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Cabinet Jack (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #16) by J.L Bryan

 "Close your doors and cabinets tight, or Jack will climb out to see you tonight." 

    This investigation leads to the team to a former railroad stop in Timbermill, Georgia. Having fallen into disrepair after its boom era faded, it is coming into its second life. Unfortunately, with all the new businesses and families moving in, they aren't privy to the urban legend of past generations. These legends focus on a supernatural figure who emerges through doors, cabinets, and cabinets that are left open at night. Once a couple relocated to a local antique home, restoring it in this hopefully up and coming town, this urban legend is stalking them and their children. They turn to the team to help defeat this evil and finally rid it of the area.

    This has to be hands down the scariest book so far in this series. It was extremely unique and had my skin absolutely crawling by the end of it. Not only does it include a powerful supernatural urban legend that is in control of all the little children spirits it's killed over the years, but there are also actual ghost children just hanging out in the house with the youngest child. Not to mention the possession and you know cold cases of local missing children. The banter between the team is once again incredible and the character growth in every book is so well done. I can't wait for the next book! 


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