"She danced the way she loved; steadfast, gracious, wildly, and slightly aggressive."
The story follows Zarela Zalvidar who is a talented flamenco dancer who follows in her mother's footsteps, her father is also the most famous Dragonador in Hispalia. When disaster strikes during a momentous anniversary performance, there is death, and a terrible injury inflicted to Zarela's own father. In the wake of this disaster Zarela has to make drastic decisions in order to save her ancestral home and the family's good name. With the help of Arturo Díaz de Montserrat, she turns to becoming the next Dragonador to step into the arena. While trying to save her home, friends, and self...she is also trying to solve the problem of who is out to ruin the Zalvidar family.
You immediately fall in love with all the characters in this book, within the first three chapters. The opening of this book also hits harder than any book I've read in a long time. With fierce independent heroines and other supporting female characters that keep you captivated; a love interest comes in the form of a brooding stubborn dragon tamer. Who just so happens to be the one person who can help Zarela with her mission to save her arena.
Everything was just perfect, the buildup, and I can't even describe how much I enjoy the banter between Zarela and Arturo. It is very reminiscent of how my partner, and I speak to one another when we're being stubborn and silly. Even though the reveals at the end were predictable and foreseeable, it wasn't enough to deter me from finishing the book. The one thing I did not see coming was Arturo having Roja practically as a pet and that he had started to ride her. It was a pleasant surprise but gave How to Train Your Dragon Vibes. The Spanglish throughout the book was refreshing and lovely, it was like stepping into my home. I look forward to reading other things that Isabel Ibañez has written and will write in the future!
"An ancient city plagued by dragons. A flamenco dancer determined to save her ancestral home. A dragon hunter refusing to teach her his ways. They don't want each other, but they need each other, and without him her world will burn"
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