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Payback's A Witch by Lana Harper

Payback's A Witch

by Lana Harper

This Book is About:

    Emmy Harlow is a no longer magic wielding witch who returns home, determined for it to be the last time, and only came as a favor to her parents. It was a self-imposed exile due to an awful ex-boyfriend and break up. The main reason she came home was to take part in a spell casting tournament, not an active part, her family line has only ever been the arbiter. The judge, broadcaster, and rule enforcer. Of course, one of the members that are actively participating is the horrible ex-boyfriend. Emmy finds out that her best friend Linden and Talia, the girl everyone wanted in high school, were also scorned by him. The group of the scorned then decide on revenge in the form of teaming up for the tournament, so his family can’t win. 

What I Liked: 

Absolutely love Linden and Emmy’s friendship. There is nothing like having that person in your life that you can pick right up where you left off. Also enjoy the relationship between Talia and Emmy, it’s very natural and lovely. The entire tournament and the things that partake and also how the arbiter becomes this like supernatural badass. The reveal at the end of how the Harlow's are the most powerful after all, was just the icing on the cake for the entire family. Also, just the end at the ball was the perfect ending. 

What Wasn’t My Cup of Tea: 

There wasn’t enough at times to really keep my interest through some portions. Felt like there were times I simply skimmed it. Also, the theme of how leaving the town made you a pariah of sorts. Like just because you come from one of the founding magical families of the town shouldn’t mean that you need to stay there for the rest of your life. Delilah was a bit much and honestly just a bitch. 

Overall Thoughts:

It was a cute book. Enjoyed it thoroughly but honestly if I didn’t read the sequel that would be okay with me. It’s one of my favorite troupes where the new books focus on other characters in the book. It was really sweet, love LGBTQ+ characters being in so many books and having it be perfectly normal. There were some really good lines and quotes as well, which definitely made me laugh at points. Even though there were points where I skimmed it felt very fresh and like it could happen tomorrow, which is nice. Hands down, the back description does not give it any justice. 


“There was something uniquely special about sleeping cozied up with a best friend, a primal sense of safety and contentment that couldn’t really be” -page 96

“Big Witch Energy” -page 107

More About the Author

Where to Buy:

Barnes & Noble 

Books A Million



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