Six months after the events of Bruja Born, Rose Mortiz has been trying to fix her family, and failing. While everyone pretends to be okay, Rose is the only one who sees the cracks in their facade. On her Deathday, she makes a canto about revealing the truth, when those cracks become wide and rise to the surface. Running from the truth her father tells, they are ambushed and dragged into a new realm. Separated from the world she knows and thrown together with her lying-estranged father in a world only familiar to him. They are taken hostage and brought to the Bastard King of Adas and forced into a deal. She has to enter a deal to pay off her fathers debts as well as gain their safety. With her powers now revealed and new, Rose doesn’t know the depth of what she is capable of. With a rag tag group of magical creatures, a prince, warrior princess, and her inner strength to guide her. They must learn to unleash their magical potential together to defeat a curse that plagues the realm and potentially earn their freedom.
This book was the perfect end to the Brooklyn Brujas trilogy and, personally, my favorite of the three. There is so much strength behind Rose finally coming into her own, the family facing their issues head on, and showing the reality of family overcoming obstacles. Also love that there was representation for the LGBTQ+ community with the introduction of a new Latinx individual who was one of the main characters of the story. Lin had so much power, presence, love, and personal growth. They were one of my favorite aspects of the story and how much of an impact they had on the Mortiz family as well as Rose’s growth. This book just kept me engaged and I absolutely devoured it. There were a few times I woke up, having fallen asleep with my glasses on my face in the book. Being Latin, it was also nice to have a piece of my heritage reflected in the writing and the characters.
Definitely recommend this series to anyone who loves the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, the Throne of Glass series, and other books that have to do with the fae world and magic.
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